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SeniorCare.Jobs:  Top 10 Heart Healthy Foods For Seniors
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Top 10 Heart Healthy Foods For Seniors

Posted: 02.08.2016

Heart health must be top of mind for us all but, particularly, for the senior citizens we serve. Whether you provide in-home senior services, or are looking for ways to infuse your facility menu with more heart healthy foods—make sure your menu includes the 10 foods below.

Seafood lovers should aim to eat this heart healthy fish at least once each week. Just make sure it is grilled or baked, but not deep-fried.

Those who do not love salmon can still get their heart healthy Omega-3 fatty acids by finding new ways to enjoy avocado. Simply slice it up, enjoy a guacamole side dish, or even find inventive ways to bake and serve.

An ounce or so of walnuts makes for an excellent snack, and is also the perfect way to boost the nutritional value of your baked goodies. If not walnuts, go for almonds or macadamia nuts instead.

Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries can be enjoyed either fresh, frozen, or baked in. Whichever way you go, they are packed full of Vitamin C and powerful antioxidants.

Olive Oil
Even if cholesterol is not of concern, swap your oil and butter for heart healthy olive oil alternatives. With all the flavored olive oils out there, this can be quite fun.

Dark Chocolate
When it comes to sweet treats, moderation is key! So if you are craving something of the chocolate variety, pass the milk chocolate and go for the dark chocolate.

Spinach is a dark leafy green that can be enjoyed fresh, frozen, or stir-fried. Even if it is one ingredient of many, the more heart healthy foods you consume, the better!

Look for creative new ways to add more beans to your diet. From bean dip, to bean salad, and soup with beans added in—this heart healthy addition is packed full of protein too.

Oats are packed full of a heart healthy fiber and most of us, particularly seniors, could use more fiber. Just make sure it’s not instant oats, but flat or steel cut oats. You can always liven up the flavor profile with fresh fruit and honey.

Head over to the American Heart Association for more heart healthy recipes and heart healthy tips!

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